Don Hunter
Publications By
<p class="biography"><b>Don Hunter</b> compiled his fictional columns in <i>The Province</i> about life in a Gulf Islands community for <i>Spinner's Inlet</i>, shortlisted for the Leacock Medal for Humour.</p><p class="biography"> Hunter scripted most of the 1986 CBC Television movie 9B and the network drama mini-series 9B of January/February 1989 (five one-hour shows) based on an original story concerning a year teaching in B.C.'s north country. He grew up near the English Lake District, did his two-years national service in the British Army's 16th Independent Parachute Brigade, and taught high school in England and in British Columbia before joining the <i>Vancouver Province</i> newspaper as a reporter and feature writer and eventually senior columnist. He has contributed to dozens of magazines including <i>Maclean's and Reader's Digest</i>. He has his teacher's certificate from UBC and he has served as President of Local 115 The Newspaper Guild (1976-1977). He and his wife June have two daughters, and they live in Fort Langley, B.C. Please visit <a href="http://www.donhunter.ca" target="_blank">www.donhunter.ca</a>.</p>