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At Home with Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama

At Home with Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama
A Note from the publisher
We're living in an unprecedented moment in history, and it's been amazing to see how people are pulling together to support one another. Here at TouchWood we've decided to ask our authors what has been keeping them busy during a time when we've all been asked to stay home to Flatten the Curve.

Meet Ruwan

Hi folks! I am Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama, and I am so excited that TouchWood Editions will be publishing my first Sri Lankan cookbook this fall. Home cooking and incorporating spices into delicious dishes have long been a part of my diet and lifestyle. The many spices used in the recipes I have included in the book have been used for thousands of years to contribute to health and wellness. During the current crisis we are all facing, being in good health is at the forefront of our minds. My family and I are taking the time to make nourishing meals at home as a small step to "flatten the curve." We are also sipping endless cups of hot ginger tea, going on nature walks, making a dent in our stack of library books, and playing lots of make believe with our four-year-old daughter. She tells me, "It will be okay, momma" and this I do believe. I'm very happy to share with you my recipe for Ginger Tea, which I've also included in my forthcoming cookbook, Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves—hopefully it comforts you and your family as much as it does me and mine.

Ginger Tea for Two (Inguru Thē)

Excerpted: Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves
Makes 2 cups
  • 2 ½ cups just-boiled filtered water
  • 2 teabags of black Ceylon tea or 1 tsp high-quality loose black Ceylon tea leaves
  • 1 tsp sliced or finely grated fresh ginger
  • Sugar or honey (optional)
Pour a little of the just-boiled water into the teacups and the teapot. Swirl it around and then discard. Place the teabags (or tea leaves) and ginger in the teapot, pour in the hot water, and let steep for 3–4 minutes. Strain the tea into the teacups and add sugar (or honey) to taste. Photo and recipe excerpted from Milk, Spice and Curry Leaves by Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama (forthcoming fall 2020). Find more information here