EVENT: E.J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island // Robert Amos

E. J. Hughes was the winner of the Emily Carr Scholarship in 1947, and that was the foundation of his subsequent career. A long-time resident of Shawnigan Lake and then Duncan, Hughes achieved great renown. Represented in all Canada’s major galleries, his works have often sold at auction for more than $1 million and his reputation is second only to that of Carr in western Canada.
E.J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island by Robert Amos is 200 pages of full-colour reproductions and insightful commentary by someone who knew Hughes personally. It is the first publication on Hughes created with the participation of the Hughes Estate, and is based on the unparalleled archive created by Hughes’ associate, Pat Salmon.
Robert will be signing copies of his book at Emily Carr House on September 22.
Admission to Carr House is free for this special event.