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Simple Mixed Greens Salad and Dressing

Simple Mixed Greens Salad and Dressing
Elevate your meals with this easy-to-make Mixed Greens Salad with Local Honey-Mustard Vinaigrette, inspired by Karen Anderson's cookbook, Eat Alberta First. This versatile side salad combines the crisp freshness of mixed greens with a rich vinaigrette featuring local honey and zesty mustard. Whether you're hosting a special occasion or adding flair to your daily meals, this recipe is a flavorful choice that's perfect year-round. Discover how the sweet and tangy flavors of locally sourced ingredients can elevate your dining experience with every bite.

Shades of Green Salad

INGREDIENTS For the salad 1 cup watercress, arugula, or pea shoots 2 cups butter lettuce, green frisée, or baby romaine (or a combo of these) 1 green pepper, cut lengthwise in 8 strips and then sliced diagonally 6 baby cucumbers, ends removed and sliced diagonally with skin on 2 ribs of celery, sliced diagonally 1 ripe avocado, halved, pitted, and sliced diagonally 3 scallions, sliced diagonally For the vinaigrette 2 Tablespoons vinegar Salt 2 teaspoons honey 2 teaspoons mustard 6 Tablespoons organic canola oil Pepper RECIPE For the salad
  1. Arrange the vegetables on a platter, starting with the watercress around the outside and working in with the lettuce leaves in a circular pattern before topping with the green pepper, cucumbers, celery, avocado, and finally the scallions.
For the vinaigrette
  1. Whisk the vinegar with a pinch of salt in a medium bowl until the salt dissolves.
  2. Add the honey and mustard to the bowl and whisk to a smooth paste.
  3. Drizzle the oil into the mix slowly, whisking continuously until the dressing is thick and creamy.
  4. Season with pepper to taste. 5 Drizzle the vinaigrette over the salad on the platter just before serving.

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Recipe by Karen Anderson from Eat Alberta First, copyright © 2023 by Karen Anderson.