World Bee Day 2020

"Bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, bats and hummingbirds, are increasingly under threat from human activities.
"To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day.
"This year, World Bee Day . . . will highlight the importance of traditional knowledge related to beekeeping, the use of bee-derived products and services, and their importance in achieving the sustainable development goals."
—From the United Nations
We appreciate the importance of bees to our world environment, and are very glad to mark the significance of this year's World Bee Day by sharing some images of Dave Doroghy hard at work with his hive. You can find more photos and entertaining anecdotes about the realities of beekeeping in Dave's new memoir, Show Me the Honey: Adventures of an Accidental Apiarist.