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Sweet Yogurt Lassi Drinks

Sweet Yogurt Lassi Drinks

Sweet Yogurt Lassi Drinks

Makes 1-2 servings Gluten-free & Vegetarian

Lassi is a traditional beverage made by blending buttermilk or yogurt and water or other fruits, juices and spices until frothy. It is enjoyed chilled, as either sweet or salty hot-weather refreshment. It’s also consumed to cool the palate when eating spicy foods.


¾ cup Yogurt 1 cup water 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/8 teaspoon ground cumin


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
  2. Enjoy in a tall, chilled glass

Mango Lassi

Makes 1 serving Gluten-free & Vegetarian


1 cup buttermilk or Yogurt ½ cup mango pulp ¼ teaspoon ground green cardamom seeds, optional ½ pinch saffron (optional) 1 teaspoon sugar ½ cup ice cubes


  1. Combine the buttermilk or yogurt, mango pulp, ground cardamom—if using, saffron, and sugar and blend well.
  2. Enjoy in a tall glass with crushed ice or ice cubes and sprinkled with ground cardamom if desired.

Pistachio Lassi

Makes 1 serving Gluten-free & Vegetarian


1½ cups buttermilk 5 or 6 unsalted pistachios 1½ teaspoons sugar, or to taste ¼ teaspoon ground green cardamom seeds, optional 1 cup crushed ice


  1. Combine the pistachios and buttermilk in a blender and process until the pistachios are crushed in the liquid.
  2. Add the sugar, cardamom and ice. C Blend for another 30 seconds—until the liquid is light and frothy.
  3. Enjoy in a cold, frosted glass.

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Recipe from A Spicy Touch by Karen Anderson and Noorbanu Nimji. Copyright © 2015, 2020 by Karen Anderson and Noorbanu Nimji