Recipe Clarification in Babette's Bread

In the cookbook Babette’s Bread by Babette Kourelos, Babette shares a number of recipes for enriched breads (breads that contain dairy, eggs, fats, oils, and sugars), including the South African Kitke.

In a later chapter, while discussing potential variations for delicious fried dough treats, she writes: "The Kitke dough and its variations . . . can be used to make beautifully soft, airy, delicious doughnuts. Think Berliner (German jam doughnuts) or beaver tails (Canadian doughnuts)" and provides instructions on how to adapt Kitke dough into both of those international treats.
It has come to our attention that the BeaverTails® franchise has the exclusive trademark for the name BeaverTails® pastry. We would like to clarify that TouchWood Editions and Babette Korelous have no affiliation with the BeaverTails® franchise and the recipe(s) published in Babette's Bread are not the official BeaverTails® pastry recipe, rather they are her own take on this delectable Canadian doughnut.